Адвокация в Комитете ООН по ликвидации всех форм дискриминации в отношении женщин

Казахстанская феминистская инициатива «Феминита» («Феминита») выступила на 74-ой пре-сессии Комитета ООН по ликвидации всех форм дискриминации в отношении женщин (КЛДЖ) в Женеве. К пре-сессии “Феминита” представила (1) альтернативный доклад по положению ЛБКТ женщин, подготовленный совместно с трансгендерной инициативой в Казахстане, а также (2) совместный доклад по вопросам женщин в политике и списка запрещенных профессий для женщин. Последний инициатива готовила в коалиции с Казахстанским Международным бюро по правам человека и соблюдению законности (КМБПЧиСЗ), Антидискриминационным центром “Мемориал” (АДЦ “Мемориал”), Equal Rights Trust и ОЮЛ «Союз кризисных центров Казахстана».

По итогам выступлений в ходе работы пре-сессионной рабочей группы Комитет принял Список вопросов, который включает ряд вопросов, касающихся сексуальной ориентации и гендерной идентичности (СОГИ):

Constitutional and legislative framework
2. Please indicate the measures taken to ensure that the amendments to be introduced in certain legislative acts related to family issues and gender policy, including regarding the definition of direct and indirect discrimination, as well as the change envisaged in the definition of gender equality in the Law On State Guarantees of Equal Rights and Equal Opportunities for Men and Women (the Gender Equality Law), contain a comprehensive legal definition of discrimination against women in line with article 1 of the Convention
a) encompassing direct and indirect discrimination both in the public and private spheres, as well as intersecting forms of discrimination; and
b) prohibiting and sanctioning all grounds of discrimination against women including discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in conformity with the Convention.

Gender based violence against women
10. In view of the Committee’s previous recommendations please indicate whether steps are envisaged to revise the provisions of the Criminal Code (article120) to ensure that the definition of the crime of rape is in accordance with the Convention and the Committee’s jurisprudence under the Optional Protocol (CEDAW/C/KAZ/CO/3-4, para. 19 (d).
Please clarify the reference to “lesbianism” under articles 121, 122, and 123 of the Criminal Code.

Комитет также включил ряд вопросов на темы женщин в политике, списка запрещенных профессий для женщин и негативных стереотипов и пагубных практик, которые также поднимались в альтернативных докладах “Феминиты”.

Temporary special measures
6. The report states that the working group responsible for the elaboration of the Draft Act aimed at introducing amendments and additions to some legislative acts related to family and gender policy, discussed issues pertaining to the definition of “temporary special measures” and “gender quotas” in domestic legislation, with a view to eliminating gender gaps (paragraphs 64 and 77). Please provide information on the outcome of the discussion of the working group and the measures envisaged to elaborate a legal framework to ensure systematic implementation of temporary special measures in all areas where women are not sufficiently represented both in the public and private sector and to ensure adequate monitoring and assessment of the special measures adopted.

Stereotypes and harmful practices
7. Please indicate the measures taken to eliminate stereotypes limiting the role of women exclusively to caregivers and in the upbringing of children, which affect women’s empowerment in all areas including economic, social and political. In this regards, please indicate the measures implemented to further engage men in children’s upbringing and household duties, and implement supportive measures for women’s inclusion into labour force. Please respond to report that religious leaders contribute to perpetuate discriminatory gender stereotypes, including by using public universities as a platform in this respect. Please explain the measures taken by the State party to eliminate this practice.

18. Information before the Committee indicates that the State party adopted a Decree by the Minister of Labour and Social Security of the Population on 13 August 2018 which narrow down the list of prohibited professions to women from 287 to 219. Please provide information, including a time line on the next steps to continue narrowing the list of prohibited professions with a view to increase accessibility to all professions to women.

Основная сессия КЛДЖ намечена на октябрь 2019 года, на которой «Феминита» также планирует выступить с докладом.

«Феминита» выражает свою благодарность за поддержку COC Nederland, ILGA World в лице Ксении Кириченко, АДЦ “Мемориал”, а также команда «Феминиты» признательна активстам_кам трансгендерной инициативы в Казахстане, Татьяне Чернобиль и КМБПЧиСЗ.

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